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Published date: 11 December 2023
Last edited date: 30 October 2024
Open early engagement - This means that a procurement idea is currently active, it is in the early stage of development and judging interest from potential suppliers.
Fireworks - 24613200
Any region
11 December 2023
15 November 2024
The Authority is current looking for the following information:
The user requires a Marine Marker to replace the existing Float Smoke Flame N2 Mk4 to provide a maritime marking capability.
o Coloured smoke (Excluding Grey or Red) for increased visibility in adverse conditions with a minimum duration of 4 mins or a desired duration of 8 mins.
o Can operate in sea state 6 or 50kts wind speed and above.
o The Marine Marker must be able to Integrate into current platforms. Length and diameter must not exceed 83mm diameter and 480mm length.
o Easy to operate and no FOD to be produced. If FOD is produced, please advise on the specifics.
o It is desired that the stores utilise Ammunition Container Assembly (A1324/C190 Mk1) or a variant of this packing method.
o Must be deployable from aircraft at 180kts, 400ft above water. With a desired deployment of 200kts, 500ft above water.
Can you provide the following information:
A) Are you able to supply the above as an off the shelf item?
a. Can you provide a Rough Order of Magnitude cost per unit and
b. The Minimum Order Quantity, if any?
If you are interested in the above procurement, please inform the Authority by no later than 12:00hrs Friday 15th November 2024 by submitting a response to Niccolo.baratti100@mod.gov.uk
DGM/2045-Procurement of Marine Marker Capability
Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.
Niccolo Baratti
Fir 1c Abbey Wood
BS34 8JH
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