
Feasibility Study on Anaerobic Digestion and the Circular Economy, Lanesboro-Ballyleague



英语 (English)

所属地区: --

所属机构: --

Short description
JTF AD/CE -  Feasibility Study on Anaerobic Digestion and the Circular Economy, Lanesboro-Ballyleague
Detailed description
Longford County Council has secured funding under the Just Transition process for an investigation into the feasibility of establishing Anaerobic Digestion and associated circular economic activities in the Lanesborough area. Initial consultation with key stakeholders and emerging policy from the Lanesborough-Ballyleague economic and enterprise strategy process, along with the consideration of existing and proposed projects in the area have informed the scope of this tender. The focus of the study will be in the context of Just Transition, which provides for a socially, economically and environmentally equitable transition to a low carbon society and informs the following requirements at a high level: • Support the development of local employment and economic activity and inform future developments to be supported under the Just Transition Fund, with an emphasis on climate action. • Align with BnM and ESB decommissioning and rehabilitation obligations under planning and IPCC licenses, specifically in the areas of potential for increasing biodiversity, access and awareness of natural heritage (as per National Biodiversity Plan and County Development Plan objectives). • Highlight the relationship between the industrial peatlands, transport, settlement and economic patterns in the area and the potential for decarbonisation of these elements in tandem with increasing climate action/environmental awareness to the wider public. • The policy context, including publication of the National Climate Action Plan in 2019 and the obligations that it places on Local Authorities in terms of adaptation and mitigation measures, bearing in mind the history of power generation in the area, existing infrastructure and the large landbank zoned for renewable energy adjacent to the existing power station and proposed new GIS sub-station. Consider and incorporate the wider policy context

Type of Contract:
Contracting authority
Longford County Council

Áras An Chontae
Great Water Street
Longford N39 NH56

View profile
Aoife  Moore
Response deadline  (Irish time)
07-04-2021 17:00
Main CPV code
71241000-9   Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
CPV codes
73000000-2   Research and development services and related consultancy services
73200000-4   Research and development consultancy services
73210000-7   Research consultancy services
79314000-8   Feasibility study
03000000-1   Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
03100000-2   Agricultural and horticultural products
71000000-8   Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71300000-1   Engineering services
71350000-6   Engineering-related scientific and technical services
76000000-3   Services related to the oil and gas industry
77000000-0   Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
90700000-4   Environmental services
90712000-1   Environmental planning
90713000-8   Environmental issues consultancy services
90720000-0   Environmental protection
98000000-3   Other community, social and personal services




首页 > 爱尔兰 > Feasibility Study on Anaerobic Digestion and the Circular Economy, Lanesboro-Ballyleague