
North Northamptonshire Council Bikeability Programme 2024 - 2026



英语 (English)

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Published date: 19 June 2024

Last edited date: 19 June 2024

Open opportunity - This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.

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Closing: 19 July 2024, 12pm

Contract summary


  • Education and training services - 80000000

  • Location of contract

    East Midlands

    Value of contract


    Procurement reference


    Published date

    19 June 2024

    Closing date

    19 July 2024

    Closing time


    Contract start date

    1 September 2024

    Contract end date

    31 March 2025

    Contract type

    Service contract

    Procedure type

    Open procedure (above threshold)

    What is an open procedure (above threshold)?

    Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

    This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    Bikeability is 'cycling proficiency' for the 21st century, designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today's roads. It is a national scheme, funded by the Department for Transport and run to national standards. There are three Bikeability levels, with each level designed to help improve children's cycling skills, no matter what they know already.
    The three Levels take trainees on a journey from the basics of balance and control, all the way through to planning and making a journey by themselves on busier roads. Children will typically start Bikeability lessons once they have learnt to ride a bike:

     Level 1 will help new riders to control their bikes

     Level 2 will help develop on-road skills and is usually tackled by children in Years 5 or 6, before leaving primary school

     Level 3 teaches trainees how to ride in different and more challenging traffic situations and is usually completed by children of secondary school age

    Bikeability Grant Funding allows the training to be delivered across the whole North Northamptonshire area. Cycle training in Northamptonshire is currently outsourced to a single contractor and is delivered via the Government's Bikeability scheme. North Northamptonshire Council offers Bikeability to all North Northamptonshire schools, including independents and youth groups (cubs, scouts, brownies, guides, etc.).

    For further information relating to this contract can be found using the following link , users will have to sign up to our free use e-procurement tool to access these documents and express an interest following the link provided.

    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    North Northamptonshire Procurement Team


    Sheerness House, 41 Meadow Road


    0300 126 3000


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