
Festive Lights for Christmas 2024-2028



英语 (English)

所属地区: --

所属机构: --

Published date: 26 June 2024

Open opportunity - This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.

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Closing: 22 July 2024, 6pm

Contract summary


  • Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting - 31000000

  • Installation services (except software) - 51000000

  • Location of contract

    HP9 2PP

    Value of contract

    £25,000 to £28,000

    Procurement reference

    Festive Lights Contract

    Published date

    26 June 2024

    Closing date

    22 July 2024

    Closing time


    Contract start date

    1 November 2024

    Contract end date

    7 January 2029

    Contract type

    Supply contract

    Procedure type

    Competitive quotation (below threshold)

    What is a competitive quotation (below threshold)?

    The buyer selects a group of potential suppliers to invite to tender.

    This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    Beaconsfield Town Council are seeking Tenders for the Town's Christmas Lights for a 4 year period, Christmas 2024 - 2028.

    See attached pdf for full details.

    General Terms
    All relevant approvals and stress testing to be supplied by the tenderer in accordance with Buckinghamshire Council's Code of Practice and all other legal requirements pertaining to the scope of supply. All copies of all relevant insurance certificates and licences to work on the highway to also be provided together with a certificate of Employers Liability and suitable Public Liability insurance. Proof of capability and experience to include a list of relevant current customers.

    This tender should be quoted as :
    1. 4 year lease + 1 year extension, also
    2. Purchase of the infrastructure option with the rest as per option 1 ie storage, maintenance installation and take down contract.

    The following requirements are: - Installation in November to be ready to switch-on on the 4th Saturday of November each year. Removal no earlier than the 7th January. The provision of storage until the following year's installation. Contractor to check lighting scheme is fully operational at least once a week during the festive season and make good as soon as possible once notified of, or a fault found.

    Tenderers are to break down the unit cost of each type of light display proposed within their tender submission, so that clarity between infrastructure and installation costs are transparent. The cost of structural highways testing such as lampposts is also something that needs to be considered and costed. Therefore, proposed options including alternative/mitigation solutions with costs to be supplied.

    Tenders are to, where possible, propose solutions that reduce the environmental impact of these lighting displays such as LED lights, infrastructure material choice and other innovations and identify these in the tender submission.

    The cost of a switch-on event, which takes place in the old town is to be itemised separately.

    Tenders will be evaluated on price and quality of design options and an overall value for money solution. Any foreseen additional costs over the 4 year period are to be declared with an indicative price ie replacing switching gear, highways permits. The annual budget for the lighting display is £28K. All tenders received for the lighting scheme must be within the annual budget to be compliant. All submissions received assume agreement to this brief.

    Tenderers to submit their tender via email to by the due date but early submissions welcome. Bids will be opened and logged, and confirmation receipt emails sent out the following working day. Thereafter evaluation and liaison will take place. In due course all tenders will be informed if successful or unsuccessful. At least one set of hard copy tender submission to also be supplied to the office. See attached PDF for details.

    More information


  • Festive Lights for Christmas 2024 tender FINAL.pdf
  • Tender notice
  • Beaconsfield Town Council are seeking Tenders for the Town's Christmas Lights for a 4 year period, Christmas 2024 - 2028.

    This tender should be quoted as :
    1. 4 year lease + 1 year extension, also
    2. Purchase of the infrastructure option with the rest as per option 1 ie storage, maintenance installation and take down contract.

    The following requirements are: - Installation in November to be ready to switch-on on the 4th Saturday of November each year. Removal no earlier than the 7th January. The provision of storage until the following year's installation. Contractor to check lighting scheme is fully operational at least once a week during the festive season and make good as soon as possible once notified of, or a fault found.

  • How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Jeannette Buckle


    Town Hall





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